Karen Locklin’s, Deputation to Havelock- Belmont-Methuen Council, November 7, 2023.
“Central to the philosophy behind Agenda 21 is the concept of thinking globally and acting locally ... implying community involvements in initiatives & decision making about the environment.”
Download Karen’s deputation and information package
Karen did an excellent job in her preparation and delivery. Not a hint of aggression and full of class, she spoke as an orator as opposed to one, delivering a speech. This is the most effective way speak to the heart of the people so they can receive the truth and courageously step into their power.
Havelock Council Responds Positively
The reaction of the counsel members was positive. See the video the below.
As I’ve been saying, most rural towns must realize they do not benefit from participating in the global agenda. Agenda 21, clearly restricts the rights of property owners, drives future growth away from rural townships, reduces services and infrastructure in rural townships, diverts public assets and funds to global sustainable development goals and foreign investors and has created UN field offices out of our town halls.
How frustrating would it be to get elected, for the purpose of serving the local people and automatically be tied into a public/private partnership with international interests? The information and support, we the people are providing the elected men and women in these positions is the key to stopping the U.N. takeover of our towns and country.
I said it before, and I’ll say it again. The majority of Canada is rural. If you want to save the country, you must save the land. If we want to save the land, we must save our local governments.
Let’s bring this information to the our local counsel’s all across the country. It only takes a few good people to get the ball rolling.
Like Margaret Mead said, “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.”
See the Reaction of Havelock’s Deputy Mayor, and Other Counsellors to Karen’s Deputation
Next Steps After Deputations
First off, let's reach out and thank the HBM Council for receiving the delegation. Let's add power to Karen's words, by letting them know that the content of her deputation and her concerns matter to you. Let them know you would like Karens questions answered publicly. And most importantly let them know you support them in whatever actions they need to take to reject this harmful, non-binding agreement, so they can freely serve the best interests of the local people.
These deputations are now taking place at a monumental rate. They are getting better and more refined in their preparation, delivery and follow up.
Shelagh McFarlane, author of the POGG, Peace Order and Good Governance Primer, found on SheLaw.ca, is a key source of knowledge on the public/private partnership PPP fraud. After Karen’s Locklin’s deputation, Shelagh, Karen, Jeff Armitage, and myself had a debriefing on the Town Hall steps. Click on the link below to listen to this informative conversation.
There’s a lot to be learned from this conversation…
Karen’s Deputation (PDF Version click here)
Brief Introduction (To the Chair)
Jim Martin/Mayor,
Hart Maxwell/Deputy Mayor,
Kathy Clement/Councillor at Large,
Jerry Doherty/Councillor Township Ward,
Beverly Flager/Village Ward,
Bianca Boyington/Municipal Clerk,
Bob Angione/Chief Administrative Officer
Good Morning Mayor Martin, Deputy Mayor Webb & members of Council. Hello, I'm Karen Locklin, relatively new to the area, having bought property here 5 years ago. I've recently started getting involved in the community. My purpose today is related to the strategic goals of the municipality. Through research, I've discerned that the Cty of Peterborough has been greatly influenced by unelected global agencies. I'm concerned that our municipal leadership make clear and well informed decisions, representing the needs of our people rather than following the direction of unelected Global agencies. There is a battle for Our Canada, our democratic rights to self-regulate, which many are attempting to veil...
To clarify the extent of this global influence, I'll be asking 5 questions as a formal inquiry, because of time constraints I'll give you the highlights & allow you to refer to my notes for more information.
Question 1: What is the authority of our Municipal Government vs. the authority of Global Agencies?
I quote from (Municipal Primer , Section 4.4)...“Central to the philosophy behind (UN) Agenda 21* is the concept of thinking globally and acting locally ... implying community involvements in initiatives & decision making about the environment.”
page 32, Section 4.4 Public Awareness 7 Information Exchange/The Municipal Primer
I've listed documentation about the history of the take over of our municipalities, in the Municipal & POOG Primers and the presentations available online by Maggie Braun, at both the Duro-Dummer and City of Peterborough Councils. Please review this statement understanding your official responsibility as a Municipal councillor according to the Municipal Act, section 224.
Briefly, “the key responsibilities as a councillor are to support the municipality and its operations while ensuring that the public and municipality’s well-being and interests are maintained. “ I suggest to you that the 5 SDG's Ptbo. in it's Strategic Plans, selected directly from the 17 UN SDG's, which will be implemented upon our municipality, are most certainly not in the best interests or for the well-being of our municipality. It's time to make a choice...
refer #1 Maggie B, Deputation to Ptbo,
#2 Municipal Primer/Section 227, //www.lanarkhighlands.ca/images/The_Ontario_municipal_councillors_guide_2022.pdf https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGwHLkwJBHCVtGZpfXLSgkcXqjz?projector=1&messagePartId=0.1
#3 POGG Primer https://www.shelaw.ca/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/POGG-PRIMER-Oct2023-FINAL.pdf
A few concerns related to these UN directives are ...
a) The erosion of the property rights of public land owners especially in rural areas ...our infrastructure is gradually being altered by the direction of the globalists. The Municipality of Kawartha Lakes now has no more access to natural gas;
b) What is this council's position on the matter of the UN's Official 2050 Plan for Net Zero Mobility;
c) How will these goals affect such businesses as the local trucking company; the Drain Brother's & other local key businesses, and the multitude of cottager's who provide a huge economic base to our community?
d) Realistically, many people can't afford to buy a home, so expecting rate-payer's in this area to afford the cost of an electric vehicle, who's green value is in debate anyway, is inherently ludicrous.
e) Contrast the local income & taxation to our105 Senators which documentation shows are used millions of our tax$ for travel (65%) & accommodation (20%). in 2022. 85% of $3,798,445 claimed in 2022 (ctm@sen.parl.gc.ca) If our CA leadership were serious about Sustainability, why don't they make a Zoom call instead?
f) The property rights of public land owners especially in rural areas ...our infastructure is being erroded. If the City of Kawartha Lakes chose to have no more natural gas... are we nex? In the hope of future developments, like our Long term Care Facility...in this municipality, will the council ensure that these developments have access to Natural Gas. Is it responsible leadership...to ensure rate-payers don't have natural gas for heat in the winter?
Let's look at the role of Municipal Councillors, as defined by the Ontario Municipal Councillors Guide 2022 in Sec 224
The Municipal Act, https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/01m25 (Ontario Laws, Municipal Act, 2001, S.O. 2001, c. 25) Section 224.
It is the role of council, a. to represent the public and to consider the well-being and interests of the municipality;
b. to develop and evaluate the policies and programs of the municipality;
c. to determine which services the municipality provides;
d. to ensure that administrative policies, practices and procedures and controllership policies, practices and procedures are in place to implement the decisions of council;
1) to ensure the accountability and transparency of the operations of the municipality, including the activities of the senior management of the municipality; e. to maintain the financial integrity of the municipality; and f . to carry out the duties of council under this or any other Act.
Question 2 What are our current Connections to the UN and do we have Legal Obligations?
Let's view a similar reaction to this over reach of the UN, by Clifornia residents some 10 years ago...
#4 Canadian Membership fees UN: https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors/can
#5 Peterborough Sustainable Development Strategic Plans https://investptbo.ca/about-us/future-ready/◦ states that Peterborough County is using 5 of the UN's 17 SDG's (Sustainable Development Goals/global agenda) in it's Economic Development plan 2021-2023
View *
#6 San Carlos, Calif Residents, https://gather2030.substack.com/p/watch-share-and-mobilize
#7 227/https://www.ontario.ca/laws/statute/01m25#top
I suggest a duplicitous relationship between the County of Peterborough and it's Municipal Officers, elected to represent the rate-payers of our community, who are liable for their actions and the 3rd party employees and key International organizations (such as the UN, ICLEI, WEF, WHO), who are not liable for their actions.
• In the last 10 years, Canada contributed over $ 900 million to the W.H.O. in support of global health priorities,
• Canada's contributions Jan 30/23 for UN membership was $76,877,565 in US$ https://www.un.org/en/ga/contributions/honourroll.shtml
• Canada is the fifth largest Member State donor to WHO (8th largest overall) in the 2020-2021 biennium with a total contribution equivalent to 212 million US$.
It's therefore unconscionable that we assist other countries, primarily Africa, but our federal government has not yet made it's promises for clean water to our Aboriginal communities a priority, although this was an election promise in 2015. It's 2023
“the federal government confirmed it wouldn’t meet its goal of ending all long-term drinking water advisories in First Nations by March 2021, which Trudeau pledged to do” https://globalnews.ca/news/7836421/first-nations-water-trudeau-broken-promises/#:~:text=It%20estimated%20that%20the%20federal,some%20of%20the%20affected%20nations.
• See attachment for UN 2023 Canadian Fees (Note: Our Federal Taxes support this membership fee) https://www.who.int/about/funding/contributors/can(See financial allocation of funds/5.5 million/almost 60% to HQ)
I Quote from UN site “Canada is a strong supporter of WHO’s work to ensure healthy lives and well-being for all, at all ages; and of Health Systems Strengthening through Primary Health Care investment”. Water for our people should have been our million $ primary Health care investment...
Incomprehensibly, one of the key mandates upon which our PM was elected, has been relegated to the bench, while accolades come in from the UN for the contributions of our tax dollars to other countries, restricting our livelihood & our economic potential, especially with the government increases of carbon tax dollars. Is there a connection here?
It's like getting birthday presents for your children's friends, and having no money left for a gift for your own child. Boundaries and priorities must be set.
Although we commit local public funds to private sustainable development goals & foreign investors, there is not an appropriately converse beneficial relationship, in which we receive proportionate compensation related to our rate payers and our community. If what we get from our affiliation with the UN & it's subsidiaries is a yearly bill, 17 Sustainable Development goals, and increased taxation, perhaps we need to rethink this relationship.
Most people in Canada, can't afford to buy a home, or are in debt for their mortgage, so why are Senators using millions of our tax $ for travel & accommodation, if they truly support the mobility restrictions suggested by the UN's agendas?
We need to create resilience in our local community... and create solutions to be developed & implemented.
Question 3: Do we really have a Climate Change Emergency?
View *A Nobel Laureate Dr. John Klauser;
B There Is No Climate Emergency https://clintel.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/WCD-version-081423.pdf
#7 www.theepochtimes.com/us/nobel-winner-refutes-climate-change-narrative-points-out-ignored-factor-5486267?ea_src=ai_recommender&ea_med=a_bot_2_ads
Crossroads Interview: Gregory Wightstone, Executive Director, Global CO2 Coalition (2:30,9:00,11:00/1:00) UN Sec. General (António Guterres) Heat Temp from Urban Areas...
#8 CERES https://www.ceres-science.com/post/has-the-sun-s-true-role-in-global-warming-been-miscalculated
#9 Great Barrier Reef, Coral Growth,
#10 Steven E. Koonin/Apr 27 2021(US Dept of Energy) Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn't, and Why It Matters
Nobel Laureate Dr. John Klauser & A volume of International Climate Scientists not affiliated with the UN, suggest that the UN data is inaccurate. International scientists have jointly signed a declaration dismissing the existence of a climate crisis and insisting that carbon dioxide is beneficial to Earth. In the article shared Scientists recommend natural ways to de-escalate emissions without any carbon tax in Canada. Don't accept UN Sec. General (António Guterres) claim that we're at a boiling point.
The UN created “Climate change” SDG's: like restricting home appliances, local Development & Energy efficiency consumer policies, recommending bans on numerous municipal, provincial commodities ... will harm & hurt people. Making existing products and equipment (vehicles/tool/appliances etc.) obselete because they aren't electric, by 2030, isn't an efficient use of resources. Can our current electric grid support an increase of this magnitude without endangering people, especially in remote or rural areas? Consider the effects of the grid collapse locally during the Derruchio, just a few years ago. Where do our Councillors stand on Energy Security?
Affordable energy sources, is an issue that affects all of us. Our secure affordable energy should be prioritized by our elected officials as opposed to reacting and responding to ridiculous fear mongering statements from UN leaders intended to influence our governments. These are the real issues, not for warmer weather here in Canada.
“There is no climate emergency,” the Global Climate Intelligence Group (CLINTEL) said in its World Climate Declaration (pdf), made public in August. “Climate science should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific. Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures.”
Ptbo's Emergency Climate Declaration, as per Maggie Braun's presentation, “regardless of Canada being a UN member, no level of government has the authority to implement foreign mandates, policies, treaties or agreements that violate the Canadian Constitution, that target & include private property rights (BNA), Rights & Freedoms, the Bill of Rights, or the Coronation Oath. Conspiring with foreign powers to assist in any act, Prepatory to the Take-over of our Nation is an act of treason, according to Section 46, Part 1 of the Canadian Criminal Code.”
Ignored key data... over emphasize the emphasis of green house gases & supports the Carbon importance in our climate Dr. Klaus
Nobel Laureate Dr. John Klauser (Nobel Prize in Physics, 2022)
'The Missing Piece'
"I believe I have the missing piece of the puzzle that has been left out in virtually all of these computer programs," Mr. Clauser said. "And that is the effect of clouds." Many theories of anthropogenic climate change naturally focus on the effects of human-produced CO2, but he said these models overlook the significance of cloud dynamics. He criticized U.S. government efforts to reduce CO2 and methane as a colossal misuse of resources better allocated for humanitarian endeavors. Such initiatives "should be stopped immediately," he said. "[It's] a total waste of money and time and effort. It is strangling industry," Mr. Clauser said. But he said he isn't holding his breath."My suspicion is what I am saying here will be totally ignored because people don't like being told that they've made big mistakes of this magnitude," Mr. Clauser said.
Like Danielle Smith, Premier of AB, who is Protecting Provincial Rights from Federal Legislation, can you stand up to protect us from this Global over reach? https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGtxSrTKcpzbjhqjwgzzDQlGdfh
Maggie Braun requested /Sept 26, 2023 Revoke the declaration of climate emergency for Ptbo
Question 4: How do these goals developed by the UN benefit, or limit our Municipality and its rate-payers?
SDG's: Sustainability Development Goal's/(see origins of term & Climate Change)
-refer #11 Future Ready 2020-2024 https://investptbo.ca/about-us/future-ready/
#12 Video, Land Owner's Rights, https://gather2030.substack.com/p/watch-share-and-mobilize
What allegiance does the Municipality of HBM (Havelock-Belmont-Methuen) have with the UN, ICLEI, WHO, WEF?
How do these allegiances support or benefit our rate payers, and are the public aware of our association with these Globalists? Are there any financial benefits that our local municipality has received from these agencies?
Are the long range goals of the UN... transparent? How will the UN Climate change directives towards Sustainability regarding Transportation & communication affect the economic development in our area? Please consider the key local industries who rely solely on transportation of materials for their business. (eg. Drain Brothers, Car Dealerships, Tourism, Foodland,
What are the municipalities legal obligations & who is legally responsible for the results of these actions?
Question 5: How can we set boundaries for our region, to implement our Economic & Environmental goals?
Refer #13 Land Use Schedule Peterborough County 2050 Plan(Havelock-Belmont-Methuen)
#14 Science Advances https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abd6034#body-ref-R5-3
There are 24 NCS (Natural Climate Solutions) proposed to meet/exceed climate goals/24 to 36% the Urban Canopy Cover PDF (https://www.science.org/doi/pdf/10.1126/sciadv.abd6034)
#15 Specialized Agencies of the UN(WHO/IMF/WBank) https://guides.ll.georgetown.edu/c.php?g=365747&p=7141851
Are the International Agencies controlling the private and public ownership of property? Refer to Ptbo County new plans.
Enter, Neil Oliver, journalist/historian, on Great Britain News...
He suggests the UN goal of a One world order, Jun 24, 2022 Quote: “The rabbit hole gets deeper. Earlier this year, Oliver claimed a “silent war” was being waged by generation after generation of politicians to take “total control of the people” and impose a “one-world government”. https://www.heraldscotland.com/news/23777566.neil-oliver-presenter-rse-part-ways/
This is a call to Create resilience in our local community... and create local solutions to be developed & implemented.
In Closing 6, I Propose a Response from Council: please consider a Town hall meeting, for meaningful public consultation regarding strategic Economic & Environmental planning.
Who is responsible for the Take Over of Our Country? (Restate the obligations of council... reminder)
The Municipal Primer, is just a blueprint for our Economic & Official Development - it is not prescriptive.
As our Council, your decisions and impact cannot be under-stated...My hope is that this delegation will not be ignored or dismissed. This is a call to you, our elected officials, serving the public, to do your duty to override and correct the errors of the past. Like the wave in arena's all over Canada, the Hockey stands.. people just stand and join in the wave... without a thought for the tsunami effect a wave can have. Please don't join the wave... we want to believe that you took on this role to serve the people of this region and that together we can reclaim our country one small town at a time.
Thank you for your time and consideration of these matters!
Karen Locklin
Deputation Package Sent Ahead to Clerk
Providing an information package beforehand is essential in maximizing the effectiveness of these delegations moving forward. It lays out our questions, concerns, resources and references. The counsellors were more engaged, seeing Karen backing everything up with facts and references. This effectively "plants a seed" of knowledge and helps them to follow along and follow up. Great job, Karen!
This is the package Karen sent ahead to counsel.
Druthers, November, Article on the POGG, page 4!
Great coverage. Lots to read. Thank you.