Replacing ICLEI
Knowledge of ICLEI is the key to undoing the U.N. Takeover. ICLEI is a network of members and experts working together through peer exchange and partnership to create systematic change. Instead of consulting with the people of each region, our local governments are wined and dined by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities.
This international consultant group was given “grants” just for sitting at their table. In return, the ICLEI agenda and recommendations are taken as “expert” advice and implemented locally.
The people must replace ICLEI with Local Councils on Local Issues. We must connect through a similar network. We need the mayors and councilors of our towns sitting at our tables. We have waited long enough for our local issues to be addressed.
The ball has been fumbled, and the level of suffering and corruption has gone too far to ignore. We must begin addressing local issues as community service projects and allow true leaders to emerge.