Our success in halting the U.N.-Driven Official Plan for Peterborough County has received overwhelming interest. We have drafted a KICLEI Primer, a guide for Kicking the International Council Out of your Local Issues.
UN Takeover of Peterborough County Halted
Template for Douro Dummers Deputation
History of the U.N. Takeover
Most mayors and councilors do not know the history of how their “hands got tied.”
In 1992, Brian Mulroney signed Canada into U.N. Agenda 21. A total of 178 countries agreed because this international agreement promised them "big money" to go "green."
Once signed, CANADA became a U.N. Member State, a Nation State, and all our towns were, in a sense, abandoned or merged with others to form the UN CITY STATES, of which (insert City name) is now one.
By the year 2000, we saw countries being "governed" by the direction of the United Nations, G7, G20, Council of Foreign Relations, World Bank, World Economic Forum (WEF), World Health Organization, and an organization you're probably quite familiar with, the International Council on Local and Environmental Issues. That acronym is pronounced ICLEI and is all over our municipal reports. This international organization is the leading nationwide consultant group for all towns and cities.
Municipal Primer
I like to hold up a copy of the Municipal Primer, when moving into this section.
In 1994 the Federation of Canadian Municipalities, FCM, sent the Municipal Primer to all of our towns.. This Municipal Primer prescribes a blueprint of how our local governments were to implement the global agenda. Since that time..
Planning documents have regurgitated this blueprint.
The International Council on Local and Environmental Issues (ICLEI) became a primary source for consultation to push and fund the global agenda.
Meaningful public consultation has declined.
since that time it appears that public funds and assets have been redirected to private development goals & foreign investors under the guise of "saving the planet."
Example: PTBO County Official Plan:
Now, let's review the (items) on the agenda tonight.
Under this U.N. CITY STATE arrangement, Peterborough County holds planning responsibility for Douro-Dummer. They also have the chair position for the NGO Sustainable Peterborough, which partnered with ICLEI.
The Official Plan for any community should depend primarily on engagement with those who live and work in that community. Not those from outside the community and certainly not from international organizations.
This plan was developed by the (Acting Clerk) who is not from here, nor was she elected, with nearly zero community engagement (other than posting online and holding information sessions on zoom).
This plan pushes almost all the future growth for the county/region to settlement areas, a death sentence to rural settlements
Rural property owners are restricted from selling their land parcels and are forced to sell the whole property in hard times.
The mayor and council know this is already an issue and approving this official plan is not in it’s best interest.
Example: Environmental Reports, “Targeting Mobility”
Firstly Report, PEAC 23–010
Here is a link to a plan identifying actions required to achieve NetZero by 2050.
Measures include a vague reference to "targeting mobility."
In Report, PEAC 23–002
It states that Peterborough declared a Climate Emergency in 2019. No local event triggered this declaration; rather, it stems from the U.N.'s global agenda.
This report states that the city participated in ICLEI Canadas, Advancing Adaptation Project and received a grant of $15,000. This is a small sum compared to the billions our municipalities have received from ICLEI since 1994.
Most disturbingly, this report states that the recent reductions in GHG emissions were PRIMARILY the result of the COVID-19 pandemic "modifying our travel patterns"; this is repeated in report PEAC 23–009
When you put this together with the previous statements about "targeting mobility," the question of whether our SACRED mobility and the legal rights of Canadians are now at stake.
Verbal Notice
Regardless of Canada being a U.N. Member, no level of government has the authority to implement foreign mandates, policies, treaties or any agreements that violate the Canadian constitution, the Charter of Rights and Freedom, the Bill of Rights or the Coronation Oath. Conspiring with foreign powers to assist in any act preparatory to the takeover of our nation is an act of treason according to section 46(1) of the Canadian Criminal Code.
Verbal Remedy
With that, I would like to speak directly to the elected Mayor and Council to present you with a plan to save this township and protect the integrity of your positions. Also, you have an opportunity to set an example for the rest of the country, as this not the only municipality, in this situation.
You, who are elected, you are the government.
The city staff is not the government.
Those who are elected, you have the power and the authority.
The mayor and council appoint the CAO and staff, and the mayor and council can fire them. Your staff should be local, and there are more than competent individuals from this area who can assist you in your job.
Again, the current CAO and city staff are not from this area, and they should be.
Offer Council Support
The people of this area want to support you in making the right decisions. We want to stand behind you and help you step into your true authority as mayor and council; because it was taken from you, and when it's taken from you, you can no longer protect us, and it's getting to the point that we need you guys to step up.
Failing that, Notices of Liability have been drafted and are already being distributed to Mayors, Councilors, CAOs and City Staff nationwide. We don't want to have to serve you with Notices of Liability, but this is an act of treason, and it is serious.
So tonight, we are asking you to consider what I am saying: the people here to represent this and the people across this country. We are asking you to delay the approval of ________ and seek genuine public consultation.
With that, I am happy to take any questions.
Extra Material: Net Zero by 2050?
Carbon Dioxide makes up 0.04% of the earth's atmosphere
It is plant food
We are made of carbon
We breathe out CO2
The plants breathe in CO2 and produce oxygen
The more CO2 that is in the atmosphere, the more the plants grow
Canada's trees absorb 7x more CO2 than we put out
Canada has an abundant resource of fuel
We need to drive our cars; we need to heat our homes
People are more likely to die from colder temperatures than warmer temperatures
The Net Zero goals make everyone's lives harder
The U.N. "Sustainability" goals harm our society and public health.
Funny side-story… The night before speaking to Douro Dummer, I randomly threw a dart and got a bull’s-eye my first shot! I found it to be quite symbolic. 🎯 #letgo
Wow! Can't thank you enough.
The GATHER 2030 team is amazing for organizing a method to replicate resistance within the existing governmental framework. I could tell Shelaugh's knowledge and documentation were right when I stumbled across her in 2022 but did not go anywhere with it. Thank goodness this GATHER 2030 TEAM HAS FORMED!!! This is gonna be big.