Your Voice Matters - Join Us
Our Purpose
The political party system has failed us. Civic duty and citizen engagement is the foundation for political reform. Civis4reform is your way to be a part of a pro-active solution to take our country back.
In communities across the country, citizen-led councils will be established, forming a national network of active Canadians.
The road to reform begins with each of us. Community Accountability and Transparency Councils, or CATCs, is your place to have your voice heard.
Our purpose is to reform the political system of our country, fostering a culture of civic engagement across all levels of society.
Our Action Plan
Civis4reform is a national network of citizen-led councils.
Our action plan is to engage across all segments of society to bring about reform in our political system.
The first priority is to establish CATCs councils in all 338 Federal Ridings. By establishing councils in communities across the country, the voice of citizens will be heard.
Once councils are established, the first phase of the Action Plan is to begin engaging with our elected representatives. Citizens will once again play an active role in deciding what is in the best interest of our own communities.
With a revitalized culture of civic engagement Civis4Reform will introduce Civis Assemblies across the country where true debate can take place.
The reform of our political and institutional systems will place citizens at their rightful place in the governance of their communities and the country.
To influence the future and bring about political reform we must become active citizens.
We must engage now.
"Alone, we can do so little; together , we can do so much."- Helen Keller
Our Model - A Big Idea
The vision we are advancing addresses the many gaps currently present in Canada’s existing governance model.
Our elected representatives have become unresponsive, having concluded they can govern without the “inconvenience” of consulting with their constituents.
This must change. It is the civic duty, the responsibility of all of us, the citizens, to ensure it does.
“The administration of government, like a guardianship, ought to be directed to the good of those who confer, not of those who receive the trust.” – Cicero
While respecting accomplishments the existing system has delivered over the past 155 years, the Three Pillars Model aims to roll out a full system upgrade, effectively inverting the power pyramid to place citizens in their rightful position, at the top.
Event Calendar
Want to add your event? - Click here
Contact Us
My name is Ruth, as National Admin for Civis4reform, I am pleased to meet you!
Have you decided that you would like to join your fellow Canadians to become an advocate for reform in Canada?
Rick Walker interviews, Jack McLennan, who speaks to his experience with Civis4Reform! Just under three minutes.
We hope you will join us. There is a vetting process. You can be part of the national team or a member to support change in your local regions.
Click here to join a local CATCs!
We encourage you to view the Events Page/Calendar for activities that may be happening in your area. If you have an upcoming event that you would like to share, reach out by sending the details with the form on the Events Page!
The bullies are starting to crumble. This means they will be getting desperate to hang onto power and influence. Civis4Reform is a group of Common Sense people who are working to connect with all their local representatives and striving to build a pattern of trust and respect, to restore balance in our communities, and in turn, in our country.
Please consider. The Oath of Allegiance Act in Canada requires every public official to take an oath to the Queen; now it is the King. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/O-1/page-1.html
On June 03, 2020, through The Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset. https://www.royal.uk/prince-wales’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset
When elected representatives take an Oath to King Charles III, who launched the great reset, isn't that consent to one world governance? And since all candidates must take an Oath to the King, isn't voting also consent to the great reset?
Why are constituents ignored? It is b/c elected representatives 'must' be faithful to the King, and b/c the Supreme Court ruled elected representatives in Canada have no duty to their constituents? https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/4232/index.do?q=tort+and+&pedisable=true
Are others aware of the above so it can be factored into political reform in Canada? TY!