The bullies are starting to crumble. This means they will be getting desperate to hang onto power and influence. Civis4Reform is a group of Common Sense people who are working to connect with all their local representatives and striving to build a pattern of trust and respect, to restore balance in our communities, and in turn, in our country.

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Please consider. The Oath of Allegiance Act in Canada requires every public official to take an oath to the Queen; now it is the King. https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/O-1/page-1.html

On June 03, 2020, through The Prince of Wales’s Sustainable Markets Initiative and the World Economic Forum, His Royal Highness launched a new global initiative, The Great Reset. https://www.royal.uk/prince-wales’s-sustainable-markets-initiative-launches-thegreatreset

When elected representatives take an Oath to King Charles III, who launched the great reset, isn't that consent to one world governance? And since all candidates must take an Oath to the King, isn't voting also consent to the great reset?

Why are constituents ignored? It is b/c elected representatives 'must' be faithful to the King, and b/c the Supreme Court ruled elected representatives in Canada have no duty to their constituents? https://scc-csc.lexum.com/scc-csc/scc-csc/en/item/4232/index.do?q=tort+and+&pedisable=true

Are others aware of the above so it can be factored into political reform in Canada? TY!

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