I looked at the pcp-ppc.ca member map but I didn't see Thorold as a member?? I did see the Regional Municipality of Niagara of which, Thorold is in. Definitely need these "Regions" out of this UN crap. So, what's going on?
What date did Cllr Handley put that motion forward? I want to send the video to my local council. (TikTok video has horrible music - very hard to hear what he said.)
Get rid of the music. Otherwise great news.
I looked at the pcp-ppc.ca member map but I didn't see Thorold as a member?? I did see the Regional Municipality of Niagara of which, Thorold is in. Definitely need these "Regions" out of this UN crap. So, what's going on?
What date did Cllr Handley put that motion forward? I want to send the video to my local council. (TikTok video has horrible music - very hard to hear what he said.)