Good stuff, Maggie. Much needed. The comment about 'rent seeking' jumped out at me. As a monetary reformer yourself, you'll know of Michael Hudson. The following is worth watching:


A salient comment (and point) from 57:05 mins: 'The government's job today (anywhere) is to not let an oligarchy develop' (again). "Remember the Rebellion of 1837!" should be the cry of all Ontarians :-) David

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I wish I were younger and know what I know now about the dirty UN/WEF takeover. I applaud all the efforts of everyone who has become involved. Please don’t let this one stop until we get our sovereignty back. Thanks so much, especially Maggie!

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Your right on the age part and the corrupted WEF and WHO. The only thing I will do and can do is vote the New Blue Party in Ontario as I know their the True believers in democracy

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Thank you for your thoughts. I cannot vote for a party which will never lead Ontario at this time. I fear if I don’t keep my blue Conservative vote that we’ll wind up with the likes of a Lib/NDP coalition. Look at Toronto and Mayor Chow! Who is voting for those Lefties to lead? It’s so scary that so many are uninformed. God bless you.

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I know and understand your thinking, the trouble is for me, do I vote for honesty and ethics as I was brought up by a parent that fought in world war 2 or vote for a party that used to be my favorite but has lost some of that credibility, I started to see that credibility ,by back tracking but for now unfortunately I'm not convinced as the The Blue person of that party was part of the Conservatives and because she disagreed on something she was tossed out of the party, kind of reminds me of the liberals tyrant, do as I say or your gone, Jody Ray bold( sorry for the spelling mistake of her name) does that ring a bell of honesty and ethics lost from our system

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I think I can understand your feelings and I’m sorry that happened; just remember not all people are fair, honest and ethical. Some land in the Blue realm occasionally unfortunately.

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