Well, I do like Civis4Reform and Life Force Canada..... but maybe now is the time to focus on our own province as we have a fairly common goal nationwide. All groups are helpful for those that can devote the time and effort. Each group has a way to encourage leadership. TAKE BACK ONTARIO sounds great!!

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The TBO is easy to get behind, sign up is easy, they lay out the plan, we send the referral codes and once we have enough people in a riding we “take it” back. People power!

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Good question. Also there have been many freedom or united groups forming over the last 4 years and most have dissolved due to internal conflicts. How will this be different?

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TBO has a simple plan, goal and roadmap to get there. Groups with plans don’t divide over little matters.

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Hello Kat, I miss seeing you in person. Well this COULD be a selection of those that are left truthfully committed, and ready to work with those that have remained committed to a common goal that we have developed through time and perseverance over the last three years. I know there are overlapping groups ;and yours is a very paramount expression of professionalism but if the mandate is Ontario we should bring the best into the limelight and make this thing happen. it IS LIKE Darwinism. the SELECTION OF THE fittest.

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Simply PUT- Lets MAKE IT HAPPEN!!! Like a cleansing effect.

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A good purge. Purge the evil and the corrupt government and corporations. I agree.

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What guarantees do I have by signing on and becoming a member that you will NOT give your membership information to Trudeau and he locks up my bank account?

How will you say NO to any government request for membership lists?


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Regarding the take back Ontario meeting tonight at 1900, we are unable to participate in the zoom meeting as we have no link or direction to join.

Does anyone know how to join ?

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