hi maggie and crew .. the word blueprint is a multi level trigger for myself , to myself and maybe others it is multi facited ,for instance the bna act, our bill of rights are just 2 blueprints that have pretty much been thrown to the wayside , what happened to natural law practised in its highest form? Our legalese system is nothing more than a gordian knot , as alexander the great did so long ago ..he just cut it off and started again. i think we need to do the same , one area i am looking into and asking others for help on is finding every ppp we can as you Shelagh and others know that is the where the roots lay . If i can be of any help give me something to do , looks like we as a country need to go back to school and learn it right this time . thank you for everything you do ,cheers neil

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Feb 29·edited Feb 29

Evening Neil, friends of mine have spoken with you regarding your efforts in Creston. Thank you for stepping up to the plate. I am in Armstrong area under the RDNO; they are partnered. It's a big learn and a number of people here are working on solution. Your 6 questions are telling. I will have to check updates to you're deputation serving. I would hope these individuals understand and appreciate that you are giving them a heads up with respect to what jurisdiction they are working in as working for a foreign entity as the UN will have consequences when the truth is revealed. I see where Maggie indicates this would be considered High Treason. I am not a lawyer, but charges for treason make sense especially if you are informed and choose to ignore the warning. Thank you for you hard work and perseverance. Cecelia Lundgren in Armstrong

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legalese system ... should be allowed ONLY between 'real' corporation such as IBM/Nike

i just came to the very visceral relazastion that this is a battle of storytelling, engaged in each mind (seeing mostly the interaction i had while educating judges and police while gaining jurisdiction=who's word counts)

Also it does not make sense to "INDIVIDUALLY" (another legalese term) correct our 'status'/birth certificate, and is a mankind effort, we all in or parich,

would love to collaborate with you!

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These world control freaks are operating across a full spectrum of fronts and levels within fronts in an incremental and sequential manner as not to alarm as many humans as possible as they act. All governance of every political ideology and stripe, parliamentary, republic or otherwise and all societal institutions are almost entirely captured. This leads me to think that battering oneself silly trying to reform what is now FUBAR is lost money, energy, attention and time (M.E.A.T.) and must now be jettisoned. In order for the people to access political power again I am beginning to believe that some form of direct democracy must be achieved before the people of this world can begin to bring about the reforms so desperately needed for humanity to achieve its potential as a caring and cooperative species. First on the agenda after direct democracy would be a reform of the world's, really pyramid cap's, monetary system: wherein all money is created as interest bearing debt all owed to the owners of this debt slavery system.

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John Tait & family WORK IN PROGRESS www.watersheddebacle.ca CONTROL IS THE GLOBAL AGENDA the grass roots takeover needs to eat curb. Can you help. ADVICE IS THE KEY.

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thanks for your support ,if you feel i can be of any assistance feel free to email or call me cheers and good luck

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I like Blueprints - i design. So I think the biggest issue to tackle right now is motivation vs apathy. In a way, I would love to rely on a few tiny groups to give me hope and that someone else is fighting, organizing for the cause... but it is that attitude/indoctrination that it is someone elses business that we need to change. 'resistance is futile' etc. So yes small wins, as James Lindsay says are key. Another key is achievable goals. I am big on bringing down SOGI. It seems it has to come down from within. So, what if we do that? How can we target individuals and educate them? Do we count on the 'guilt' train for them to access their moral guidance? I doubt it. The candy dollars from the Feds have purchased allot of souls. If you know what I mean. 2 billion into the BC health care system on Oct 20th in a masked parade of silencing the doctors blackmail Bill 36. So I keep posting, just hoping that waking some people up will become contagious. Threats of attack prevent people from even signing petitions. Think they will get their boots on and knock on doors? Nope. I will. But you and I are different cats. The Mom's & Tots don't have a clue what is coming, nor do they wish to know. In fact I don't want to ruin any of my good neighbor's shiney happy day... I don't. It feels like I am imposing on them a task which has no hope of being accomplished. You see? Bless you for doing an outline. I sure would like to help! Thank you https://www.facebook.com/Vancouverislandalliance/

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