The work that is being done by the people of your "Gather 2030" organization is certainly critical and I commend you for your ongoing commitment. We need to understand that we are living in an ocean of lies and deception being fed to us by our governing bodies throughout the world, and, the work you are doing resides within this world of deception. For many years now, what has been disclosed to us including the constitution that was rolled out in 1982 may not be what we have believed it to be. Both the C-19 pandemic and the subsequent loss of parts of our rights need far greater scrutiny as why did these rights fail us? The Canadian Bill of Rights of 1960 has, in many court cases has delivered more favorable results throughout Canadian courts that the charter has. What does this mean?

What was signed by Queen Elizabeth II in 1982 may not be what we think it is. My own personal opinion of this is that we may well indeed be dealing with a de facto government. It begs the question "Is Canada still a Country"? Have our rights as a country ever been granted from our regal overlords, or, is Canada genuinely it's own sovereign entity? Many say no, I say that I don't know, but perhaps we need to establish this first, and we may well be surprised. I believe that even other people don't know either such as what this group is saying as well: https://www.themythiscanada.com/

Even the actions of the UN left mayors of cities in Canada with certain abilities that we don't understand either.

Something that must be understood & considered as you move through this process:

Constitutional Common Law as depicted in the Magna Carta of 1215, and the invocation of Queen Elizabeth II on the 23rd March 2001.

Once one has moved over to Common Law and registered a factual (Fictitious) name that one wants to use everyday, instead of the name one's parents added to one’s original Birth Certificate, then it becomes unnecessary for one to acquiesce to the Acts, Statutes and Legislative Laws conceived by a corrupt and treacherous administration (Government of the Day) who have stolen the Peoples Sovereignty.

"WE THE SOVEREIGN PEOPLE of the LAND" who are Sovereign, not the Heads of State or the Government, and that it was bestowed upon us from birth, and recovered in England in the year 1215, by virtue of the Great Charter (The Magna Carta)

The Magna Carta was created and signed in 1215, (before the UK Parliaments, as we know them today were thought of, or even developed, as a means to rule the People), in defiance of the ‘Tyrannous' King of France, King John. It was King John who signed the Magna Carta under pressure from the People, rather than be destroyed by the People of this Land.

The document in question, (The Magna Carta) was to remain in perpetuity to support the Sovereign People of the Land with 25 of the 28 appointed Barons placed in charge of the Article 61 (The Treason Article) should it be required anytime in the future.

That time in the nearest future for us (We the Sovereign People of the Land), came in February 2001, when our then Prime Minister was giving the People’s Sovereignty away to a foreign power, namely the European Union through the Treaty of Nice.

That act by Tony Blair, was deemed a Treasonous Act by the 25 supporting Barons.

The Barons sought an audience with Queen Elizabeth II and asked her to step in and stop the Government proceeding.

The Queen was given 40 days in which to respond which took the date to the 23rd March 2001, when she then refused the Baron's request, to go against the Government and was therefore invoked by the Barons.

That decision by the supporting 25 Barons was taken as an official refusal to support the Constitution or the People of the Land, as she had sworn on Oath to do so at her Coronation in 1953.

Therefore it was deemed that, under Constitutional Common Law she was no longer our Queen.

Once again, we are living in a sea of lies. We must know where we are going, and what has transpired before us.

Paul Draper

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Maggie, you are an inspiration. Thank you for all you do. 🙏🥰

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Thank you Maggie for all you do! I most certainly appreciate you and everyone working and leading the way to true freedom of Canadians! 🤗

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Sep 23, 2023
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Can you send me details of the event? I will try and get the word out. Thank you!

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