ALTRIGHT is a complete miss characterization by someone who is obviously ALTLEFT. Globalization and the United Nations group of organizations have been hijacked by socialist/communist manifestations. The media conglomerates in Canada are as bad as the American mainstream media. Sincerely, Greg Andrews Lindsay Ontario.

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The term “alt-right” is an attempt at character assassination. There is widespread use and weaponization of labels, plenty of hearsay with no factual basis, and no lawful authority. I have this book which I found on the GoC website called The International Law on Climate Change by Benoit Mayer. I bought it on Amazon.ca. Its nothing but a waste of ink and words on paper. A completely made up fiction and fantasy with no factual basis. A representation of pretended legislation of made up law that binds no person or country. The lunatic left (beggars, thieves, and liars) believe this garbage, and use it to infiltrate and con every level of government globally, and look for hand outs. Hand up, yes. Hand out, no! Imagine publishing fakery and begging for money for a living, and thinking this contributes to society? Who would support this when there is no tangible benefit. Historically in England there were 3 types of people, Diggers, Levellers, Ranters, among other scoundrels. All war is deception. Do some homework on the English Civil War and the Glorious Revolution. Society hasn't changed much since then. We have had a good run here in Canada but times are changing. You have cool, rational thinking Maggie. Great work!

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